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How Intrinsiq Works - Family Pay

Published Bernice on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 9:30 AM

Family pay is that part of the Intrinsiq system that enables schools to stay on top of their payments to service providers, in this case, host families.

‘Family pay’ is that part of the Intrinsiq system that enables schools to stay on top of their payments to service providers, in this case, host families. Needless to say, having an automated system do this for you, ensures that you pay everyone on time without missing any deadlines and end up spending hours on the phone with angry families who are still waiting to be paid.

So how does Family Pay work?

You can pay your host families in eight easy steps:

Step 1: Click ‘Accommodation’ > Homestay Pay > Run Payment

Step 2: Choose ‘Pay Date’ (i.e. the date of when you’re paying)

Step 3: Choose ‘Pay To Date’ (i.e. the period up to which day you’re paying)

Step 4: Choose which centre from the dropdown menu.

Step 5: Click ‘Run Family Pay’

Step 6: Review List of Families and Amounts (adjust in the appropriate field if needed)

Step 7: Click ‘Accommodation’ > Homestay Pay > Export Payrun

Step 8: Choose the latest payment run and click ‘Export’

The system will generate a list that you can send over to your bank to affect payments.

The system will remember your payments

The Family Pay system on Intrinsiq will remember when you ran your last pay run so you don’t have to. This means that you will save time and mental energy trying to remember who you owe money to and how much. The system will automatically calculate everything for you and you will just need to click a button.

This system will save you lots of angry phone calls

The automated system will make sure that no payments are missed and that everyone gets paid on time. This will obviously save a lot of time spent on the phone with angry host families who might not have received their payment on time. Another advantage is that if the payment is done every two weeks, for example, the system will pay all those host families that are owed money for any part of those particular two weeks (even if it is just one day).

Additional Benefits

Another interesting benefit that the Family Pay function on Intrinsiq has is that the system calculates when students leave so there is no risk of paying the family extra. Moreover, the auto-generated list of payees can be sent to your bank in order to affect payments more efficiently, hence saving you the time usually spent doing this task manually.

Drop us a line on [email protected] if you’d like to find out more about how our Family Pay function works.

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